Rev Nico Weeber has been invited to preach at St Andrew’s Scots Kirk as sole nominee for the position of Minister at our Church. The plan is that he will preach on Sunday 5th December and those members present at Church on that day will be able to vote as whether to accept him as their future Minister.

Sunday Service: 28th June 2020

Sunday Service: 28th June 2020

SASK Notices 21 July 2020

Welcome to all. It is good to see you back in church.

Our theme is ‘Christ’s Church?’

Please try to be patient with some new rules as we interpret the guidelines to protect you.

Our offerings will be dedicated as normal during the service, though the offering bowls with covers will be available for your money as you leave church through one of these side exits.

We do require individuals to stay at least 2 meters from others, except those in household who can sit beside each other.

During the service hymns will be on the screen as will the bible reading. Handshakes to be replaced by a gesture of peace.

At the end of this service please leave by one of the side doors, not the main door through which you entered the church building. We ask you to leave church reasonably promptly after the service is completed as the building needs to be sanitised before the Korean Church enter. Sadly, we cannot serve refreshments for the foreseeable future and ask that all conversations are enjoyed while members keep the 2 metre rule between them.

The Thrift Shop will be closed until after the July Kirk Session as it needs to comply with the Church of Scotland and Sri Lankan Government advice.

We thank all our leaders of worship, the organist, Ms Sarah Potts and our reader XX XXX today.

We will be keeping the filmed services on our website and Facebook page running over the next couple of weeks.

Stay Safe.

Order of Service

Voluntary                Ms Sarah Potts

Welcome                Mr Graham de Kretser

Call to Worship      Mr Graham de Kretser

Hymn 81                 I to the hills will lift mine eyes (Words on PowerPoint 4 verses) [All hymns could be unannounced?]

Prayer of Approach and the Lord’s Prayer {text see after this order below}           Mr or Mrs Rodrigo

Children’s Talk, Blessing of the children and Sharing of Peace                       Mr or Mrs Rodrigo

Hymn 564               Jesus loves me (words on PowerPoint 3 verses)

Readings                 Psalm 13 & Matthew 10. 37-42 (words on PowerPoint) who?

Hymn 803               We will walk with God (One verse only)

Sermon                   (To be projected on screen from recorded service)     

Hymn 528               Make me a channel of your peace (words on PowerPoint 3 verses)

Prayers for Offering, thanksgiving and for others                   Mr or Mrs Rodrigo

Notices                               Mr Graham de Kretser

Final Hymn 351                 Jesus hands were kind hands

Dismissal and Blessing (words on PowerPoint Mr Graham de Kretser)

Voluntary     Ms Sarah Potts

Prayer of Approach

Let us, with confidence approach God in prayer.
Let us pray,

God of Abraham, Isaac and Jesus,

You love to offer invitations.

We gather today because of
your invitation to Abraham,
inviting him to step away from the known
through trusting in your promise
of a new family, who would be
willing to share in the care of Your creation.

And Jesus himself is an invitation.
An invitation into a loving relationship with You,
Through him we recognise the value
of those around us;
as we see You
in the stranger, the outcast,
and all who struggle.

Comforter draw near,
You have waited and watched,
as we have stumbled
through the tasks of life.
Our ears have not been tuned
to the sound of Your many invitations,
and often, in frustration
we have turned on those
we cherish
bringing hurt and division.

We long for a fresh start.

Encourage us to move towards a deeper,
honest, more authentic life.   Silence (for 10 seconds)

Forgive us our sins and release us
as we pray with Jesus saying…

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
Your kingdom come,
your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who have trespassed against us.
Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory
forever and ever. Amen.

Children’s Talk and Prayer

Good Morning Boys and Girls,

We have lived through a challenging period for the whole world, with a large number of death and lots of illness. I hope you are feeling well today.

I wanted to share a few reasons why it is great to be back in St Andrew’s Scots Kirk.

(Point to door) We have a lovely Front door – the place where we receive a welcome Sunday by Sunday.

(Stand at the font) The Baptismal Font – it is the place in church we start our journey of following Jesus with the support of our family and our church friends. 

(Choose one window and describe it briefly) The Windows – which give light, colour and each one tells a little of the marvellous story of Jesus.

(Move from lectern to pulpit) The Lectern and Pulpit – faith comes by hearing God’s word, then making it fresh and alive in our lives, especially during a world crisis.

(Walk to the Communion table) And a favourite piece of furniture the Communion Table.  Gathering round the table we can meet with Jesus in bread and wine. Here Jesus allowed God’s presence to be felt and touched in the act of a common meal. Hallelujah!

But more important that the furniture are the people. Together we are the body of Christ Every one of you known, and loved, and cherished by God.

(Point to those in church). We are going to encourage our old friends and new friends to St Andrew’s over the coming months.

Of course, it isn’t with the building but with God’s people that we share His peace. Let us share with those around us in giving and receiving the Peace of Christ. We turn to those close to us and share a sign of Peace, “Peace be with you”. 

(Sign Peace)

And now we pray the blessing on our children,

In this lovely space at St Andrew’s.

Bless our children near and far.
Please make rich people understanding,
strong people gentle,
and good Lord, help your children
to love and serve the world in Jesus name.  Amen

Prayers of dedication, thanksgiving and for others

Please give your offering as you leave the church today, though we will dedicate our gifts now. These words of dedication come from a hymn,

‘Lord, make us channels of your peace,
Where there is hatred let us bring your love.
Where injury your pardon.
For it is in giving that we receive
and in dying that we awaken to eternal life.’  

We pray for others,

Lord of life,
for the gift of your Son, our Saviour,
growing to maturity,
crucified, risen and with us forever:
Lord, from our hearts we thank you.

We pray for the created world:
for those who rebuild
where things have been destroyed;
for those who fight poverty and disease;
for those who bring change for the better.
In the life of our world
your kingdom come, O Lord, your will be done.

We pray for our country:
for those who shape our common life;
all who serve the community.
In the life of Sri Lanka
your kingdom come, O Lord, your will be done.

We pray for people in need:
those for whom life is a bitter struggle;
those whose lives are clouded
by loss, disability or rejection.
In the lives of those in need
your kingdom come, O Lord, your will be done.

We pray for those especially in our thoughts today.
Silence (15 seconds)

We pray for this congregation
in its stand with the poor through our lunch project,
in its service to the neglected through Netherlee and Ward 8.
In the life of your Church
your kingdom come, O Lord, your will be done.

Eternal God,
we give thanks to you
for the great community of faith
into which you have brought us.
Grant us grace in our day
to live as faithfully as they did,
and to provide as generously for our children,
until you bring us with all your people
into the fullness of your joy.  Amen.

Let us say together the blessing:

This is a place of welcome,
a place where all may find solace,
where all may celebrate,
where all are valued,
where all are loved,
where all find refreshment on offer.
God welcomes you here.
And send you to call others in the name of
the Father, Son and Spirit. Amen.

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